Pulsatilla vulgaris

Pulsatilla vulgaris

dark violet

1 for 2.59 euro/piece

2 for 2.29 euro/piece

from 6 for 2.19 euro/piece

stocklocations: OB11  


Pulsatilla vulgaris



dark violet
colour : violet
leaf colour : green
height : 20 cm
leaf height : 10 cm
flowering : 3- 4

soil and conditions

light : sun
soil : neutral
moisture : dry soil


Stony, dry soil (ST1)
Steppe/Heath (lime), dry soil (SH1)
Dry soil with gravel (GR1)
Open places, dry soil (OP1)

extra information

attracts bees

planting density

number : 6 tot 9 per m2
- alone or in small tuft (A)
- little groups of 3 to 10 plants (B)

Plant description

It flowers from April into May. During flowering, there is silky hairiness on stem and leaves. The inflorescence is five to eight centimetres long and in various colours. Afterwards, the flower develops a nutty, fluffy fruit that gives extra ornamental value to the plant.
link in QR code: vasteplant.be/q/?PUVULG