Mulching the soil in your border
An inert mulching layer is not necessary, but it does offer advantages. In a sustainable planting that can remain undisturbed for years, a labour-saving cover is worthwhile.
Any inert material can be used, such as lava, rhine sand, or crushed stone.
We recommend lava in size 2/8.
The inert layer provides insulation, reduces weed growth, prevents soil compaction and improves the supply of air and minerals.
Tree bark or root canvas?
Bark can be used under hedges or shrubs. But bark digests and acidifies the soil, which is not good for most flowering perennials and ornamental grasses that prefer a neutral to calcareous soil.
It also creates a cold layer and promotes fungal growth.
Root cover is not recommended as it restricts plants' growth, deteriorates soil quality and suffocates plants, preventing closed planting.
Rather not cover it?
Covering the soil is not a necessity.
Then just keep in mind to use the maximum planting density if you want to minimise maintenance (weeding,...).
You can find the right plant density per variety in the online catalogue.